Why Counsel for Kids?

In 13 states, the person at the center of a child welfare case is also the one person who doesn’t get their own lawyer.

Why do kids need attorneys of their own?

Attorneys help children and youth understand their options

Attorneys conduct investigations 

Attorneys navigate the complex court system with and for the child or youth

Attorneys advocate for family time and kinship placements

Attorneys pursue well-being priorities on behalf of the child or youth 

How does research support counsel for kids?

2008 Chapin Hall Study

Children represented by legal counsel received more personalized case plans and achieved higher rates of permanency, without a decrease in reunification rates.

2009-2016 QIC-Childrep Study

A six-year randomized control trial discovered that children represented by specially trained attorneys were 40% more likely to achieve permanency within six months.

2021 Washington State Study

The study found a positive correlation between attorney representation and improved school stability, placement stability, and reunification rates.

More resources on the impact of high quality legal representation

I knew that I could establish a positive relationship with my social workers and attorneys because they gave me autonomy and opportunities to make decisions and be involved in my case.

NACC Advisory Council Member

I knew who my attorney was and what their role was; I was very involved in my case and they strongly encouraged that.

NACC Advisory Council Member

I had an attorney for the entire 6 or 7 years that I was in care. They allowed space for me to advocate for myself .

NACC Advisory Council Member

Why should states invest in counsel for kids?

Better outcomes

Children and parents who have legal counsel obtain better results than those who do not, including less time in foster care or group settings, shorter time to adoption or guardianship, and more successful reunifications. 

Save Taxpayer Money

An attorney can shorten the time a child is in the foster care system, meaning cost savings for state and federal taxpayers.

Federal Funding Opportunity

The federal government encourages the appointment of legal counsel to every child and provides IV-E funding opportunities for legal representation.

Which states still need counsel for kids?

13 states do not guarantee right to counsel for children in child welfare case. Learn if your state is one of them: